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O dwóch takich dziewczynkach, które uwielbiają uczyć się świata przez dotyk i ich rodzicach :).
Nela i Jula urodzily sie na Tajwanie. Ta starsza miala ponad 200 lotow na swoim koncie, gdy konczyla 3 lata, z mlodsza bylo jeszcze latwiej a razem jeszcze razniej :).

We are 2 little girls, Nela and Julia, exploring the world with our parents. On the road we see, hear, taste and touch, it's the way we absorb and learn a lot. Our story started in Taiwan, where 2 of us said 'Ni hao' to the world. Than, we traveled Amazing Asia and it's not the end of our journey yet. Being on the way taught us that the world desperately needs to learn how to share and it is all in our hands. So... off we go: we tell, we show, we share so we ALL can learn. :)

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